Activation Failure in Capsure Palette Software

The activation process for CAPSURE Palette software requires that the software access an X-Rite web service.  If the software is unable to access this web service, the user will be presented with an error.  The error is typically something similar to this: "Activation Code: 00:21:4F:FD:63:80"

NOTE: The digits after Activation Code will differ for each computer.  

To test the computers ability to connect to the X-Rite web service, click the link below and verify that the web page loads.  After accessing the link, click the back button on your browser to return to this page.  - This link should load the page as shown below. 

If this page fails to load, you will need to contact your IT department and request that they provide you with access to this web address.  
NOTE: This is an SSL connection which requires the SSL port (port 443) to be open in your firewall 

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