PANTORA Processing Node 2023.2 SP1

名前: PANTORA Processing Node

バージョン: 2023.2 SP1

旧バージョン: 2023.2

リリース日: 12月 11, 2023

ファイルタイプ: Self-Extracting EXE

ファイルをダウンロード: PC バージョン


We recommend having the latest TAC7 Firmware version installed before using PANTORA. Firmware upgrades are done with the TAC7 Diagnostics tool. Both firmware and diagnostics tool can be downloaded here here.

To use PANTORA’s connectivity feature, it is recommended to update the respective device driver and Firmware to the latest version. Please find the corresponding downloads at  Ci7XX0, MetaVue, and MA-T12.


Please note that for using the MA-T12 in PantoraConnect, it is necessary to upgrade the firmware to v2.52 or higher to access performance improvements.

Pantora 2023.2 SP1 contains the following new features and improvements:

  • Connect: removed “experimental” tag from SVBRDF from MA-T12 feature
    • Added check for MA-T12 minimal firmware version (2.52)
      • New MA-T12 firmware switches off built-in image filtering improving SVBRDF (filter caused structures in image along high contrast edges)
    • Enable creation of spectral SVBRDF color textures
      • Pantora now combines RGB images with spectral measurements to “spectralize” images and create spectral SVBRDF. Giving Improved color rendering under different light conditions
    • Improved color accuracy
      • Some materials have a strong infrared response, that the MA-T12 camera does not fully filter out. Correction in Pantora now provides accurate color on these material types.
  • Browser & Editor
    • Updated “VRayMtl” export to support AxF 1.9 and new Autodesk 3dsMax versions (starting with 2021)
    • Removed deprecated support for export to “PBR (Unity)” and “MentalRay mia_material”
    • Connect & TAC7
      • Summary pages of Connect and TAC7 processing jobs display the expected AxF file version

Significant Bugfix in Pantora 2023.2 SP1:

  • TAC7 measurements to network drives did not work

Other Downloads here:

PANTORA 2023.2 SP1
PANTORA Distribution Server 2023.2 SP1