ColorCert Desktop v4.3.5 Build 6 (Last v4 Release)

名前: ColorCert Desktop

バージョン: v4.3.5 Build 6 (Last v4 Release)

旧バージョン: v4.3.4 Build 22

リリース日: 0001年1月1日

ファイルタイプ: PC - MSI Installer, MAC - Disk Image File

ファイルをダウンロード: Mac バージョン PC バージョン


The ColorCert Desktop download link provides an installer for licenses of ColorCert Manager, ColorCert Pressroom, ColorCert Inkroom, and ColorCert QA.

QA Tools Perpetual Licenses prior to 4.x require an upgrade in order to use 4.x (PN# CCR-CCQAP). Please contact X-Rite Sales if you have any questions or need assistance in obtaining the upgrade.

Mac OS USB Dongle Users should not upgrade past 3.6.9. The dongle driver is not compatible with the latest Apple application notarization requirements. We strongly encourage all users to upgrade to software dongle licensing. Please contact X-Rite ColorCert Licensing at if you have any questions or need assistance.

ATTENTION: Windows 7 is no longer supported.

New Features/Improvements Since 4.3.0:

  • QA Tools: Add a hue line to the Lab Plot Absolute mode.

Changes/Fixes Since 4.3.0:

  • General: Fixed issue with undertone value on printed report
  • General: Fixed issue with undertone calculation with mixed spectral and Lab values
  • General: Fixed issue with ‘Export to IFS’ export path
  • General: Fixed issue with device connection floating window in Windows 10
  • General: Fixed issue with CxF compatibility for multi-mode data export
  • Pressroom Tools: Fix calculation of undertones on Lab-only inks.
  • Pressroom Tools: Change the defaulting of Make-ready mode to off whenever the preferences indicate regardless of how the job was last saved.
  • General: Fix the downloading of items from repo so the latest version is always downloaded.
  • Pressroom Tools: Fix calculation of Whiteness metric.
  • Performance Report: Fix overlapping printing values.
  • Label Print: Fix the print of spot colors.
  • QA Tools: Improved user prompts to make database update alerts clearer along with the addition of a second confirmation to help avoid unintentional actions.
  • General: Fixed issue with summary table at end of analytics report in Pressroom Tools
  • Inkroom Tools: Fixed compatibility issue with CxF export from Inkroom Tools
  • Devices: Fixed issue causing Opacity and Backing measurements to fail when using Bluetooth connections.

New Features/Improvements Since 4.2.5:

  • General: Show a splash screen when loading ColorCert and improve load time
  • General: Improve and standardize loading and saving to and from repository server
  • General: Add PQX support. All places you could previously load colors from a CxF, you can now load from a PQX file as well. Jobs can be loaded and saved to and from PQX
  • General: Substrates can now be loaded from the PantoneLIVE Substrates palette.
  • Instrument Handling: Allow NetProfiler to be toggled on and off in the device management panel
  • Ink Creator: Loading and saving from/to CxF X-4 now loads/saves tints. PantoneLIVE data now loads correctly too
  • Pressroom Tools: You can now select which type of report you want from the Save Roll as PDF menu option rather than having to change your preferences if you want a different report
  • Pressroom Tools: Additional data added to existing reports
  • Scoring: Added a new rule option for weighted scoring 'Reassign Weightings Between Primaries and Spots'. When checked, the weightings of primaries and spots are combined if there are no primaries or no spots. This ensures that other scoring categories do not get an inflated score when primaries or spots are missing.
  • QA Tools: Additional report added

Changes/Fixes Since 4.2.5:

  • General: Improvements to the calculation of Dot Gain, MinDot and Undertones
  • General: CxF imports now correctly honor the NetProfiler and XRGA settings in the CxF
  • Pressroom Tools: Scorecard PDFs now show the correct background image
  • Pressroom Tools: Exporting CxF from the Mediastrip now includes both spectral and lab values if available
  • QA Tools: Fix to import trials from CxF using the timestamps inside the CxF
  • QA Tools: Prevent crash when auditing is switched on and an MSSQL database is in use
  • QA Tools: Fixed the loading of substrates from PantoneLIVE

New features/Improvements Since 4.2.0:

  • Chooser: Improvements to the status messages for instrument, repo, database and PantoneLIVE
  • Repo: Added ability to assign "user group" in the Repo Save dialog (requires API v2 to be used; see repo login screen)
  • Application Editor: Add new protection method using a passcode
  • Rules Editor: Add new protection method using a passcode
  • Profile Editor: Make protection method consistent with application and rules
  • Profile Editor: Ink and spot inspectors now allow switching between SPIN and SPEX value display
  • MeasureTool: Skips the scan type chooser if only patch-by-patch mode is available
  • QA Tools: Now shows NetProfiler status for standards and trials
  • QA Tools: When measuring, if there is no matching standard, the 'No matches found' dialog now allows you to use the measurement as a trial anyway (if a standard is currently active)
  • Removed support for 5xx/9xx/SP6x and SpectroEye instruments

Changes/Fixes Since 4.2.0:

  • General: Improvements to auto-proxy detection under MacOS
  • CI64: Automatically close the calibration window after a successful calibration
  • Rules Editor: Prevent rules editor opening up behind main window
  • QA Tools: Changed density widget so delta value precision is consistent
  • QA Tools: Allow single mode PantoneLIVE standards to be updated to multi-mode
  • QA Tools: Fixed issue that caused IFS to not recognize substrate measurements or PantoneLIVE standards
  • QA Tools: No longer shows PantoneLIVE menu option when PantoneLIVE switched off in preferences
  • QA Tools: Measure substrate now works with CI64 on Windows
  • QA Tools: Add absolute/relative switch to the Lab Plot widget
  • MeasureTool: Fixed a crash when using Quick Correct to replace a single patch in a scanned measurement
  • Profile Editor: Fixed a crash when adjusting dot gain pivot points in profiles loaded from ICC

New Features/Improvements Since 4.1.1:

  • Rules Editor: Hide 'Legacy Visual Mode' if all visual options switched off.
  • Preferences: Add a combined SPIN/SPEX option to the 'Action on loading multimode colors' option to allow both to be loaded by default.
  • Pressroom Tools: Allow combined SPIN/SPEX targets and measurements to be taken.
  • Pressroom Tools: Add gloss and MBR metrics.
  • Pressroom Tools: Allow filter modes to be mixed from 0/45 and spherical instruments on the same job.
  • QA Tools: Add Gloss and MBR metrics.
  • QA Tools: Allow selection of filter mode on widgets.
  • IFS Integration: Much improved workflow between ColorCert and IFS.
  • QA Tools: It is now possible to add filter modes to existing standards and substrates.
  • General: Instrument options are all now available under the devices button.
  • General: Undertones same lightness mode will now detect if the sample is outside the available target tint ramp from 25% to 75% and will drop back to best match mode if so.
  • General: Undertone calculations are now consistent between pressroom tools and inkroom tools.
  • General: The CXF/X-4 file format is now supported as input.
  • QA Tools: Support for migrating ColorQuality data.
  • Pressroom Tools: The mediastrip editor is now available to Pressroom ColorCert licenses (previously was only available to master licenses).
  • General: Prompt for the filter mode to use if loading from a source which doesn't indicate the mode.
  • QA Tools: Add 'Color Name Alias' to standards/substrates.
  • Database Search: Separate filter defaults between QA Tools and Profile Editor.
  • QA Tools: Add new security options to allow users who can create standards but are prevented from changing or deleting them.
  • QA Tools: Allow selection of jobs and for trials to be associated with that job.
  • QA Tools: Improvements to the standard search to allow search by notes, job, description, tags and device ID. Also show associated tags, projects and customers in search list.
  • QA Tools: Allow a project to be copied.

Changes/Fixes Since 4.1.1

  • General: Ensure 'tempfiles' folder is always removed after use.
  • Pressroom Tools: Fixed display of roll scores in weighted scoring mode.
  • QA Tools: Fixed window layout chooser so that it is cleared in MacOS dark mode.
  • General: Improvements to file import and export to make processing consistent.
  • Reporting: Add opacity to reports.
  • Reporting: Add min/max/average dE to the full report.
  • Installer: Automatically install Windows dependencies (.NET runtimes).
  • QA Tools: Prevent system tags from being altered or removed.

New Features/Improvements Since 4.1.0:

  • QA Tools Search performance improvement on large databases.
  • QA Tools performance improvement opening Editor to create new items.
  • QA Tools added confirmation dialog before updating database to 4.x format.

Changes/Fixes Since 4.1.0:

  • QA Tools fix a bug preventing widgets from loading if Window Layout permission is disabled.
  • QA Tools fix a bug that could leave orphaned database connections on MS SQL Server.
  • QA Tools fix a bug printing the Trials widget.
  • QA Tools remove regionalized decimal point in CxF output.
  • QA Tools after creating a new item it is automatically highlighted and displayed in the Search list.
  • Preferences for IFS and API folders no longer revert to default locations after quitting ColorCert.

New Features/Improvements Since 4.0.2:

  • QA Tools: Added “Quick Compare” mode.
  • Pressroom Tools: Profiles can now include a mixture of measurement modes (new preference available for configuring how this works).
  • General: Instruments can now be configured from the device button.
  • Pressroom Tools: Rules can now be configured to use the updated visual assessment method.

Changes/Fixes Since 4.0.2:

  • Pressroom Tools: Same lightness and same density undertone method now revert to best match mode if the tint is outside the target tint ramp.
  • Dot Gain Editor: Editor now copes with switching methods and adjusting nominal tints with improved accuracy and consistency.

Changes/Fixes Since 4.0.1:

  • Fixed an issue with crash during Repository Server access.