How to Use Technology to Validate Plastic Color During Molding

Color consistency is a critical part of the plastic molding process, especially in industries where aesthetics and product quality play a significant role. Molders must ensure the color of plastic meets the desired standards and remains consistent during production.


Plastic molders face a few key challenges in ensuring the final molded product will meet customer expectations:


To meet customer expectations for precise color specifications, molders need advanced color measurement devices and robust quality control software to achieve consistent and accurate color reproduction across all manufactured products.

The ideal solution includes the Ci7000 Series benchtop or Ci64 handheld spectrophotometer to capture accurate color measurements on plastic before, during, and after molding, and Color iQC quality control software to compare these measurements against the predefined standard to ensure color is within tolerance. The Ci64 handheld spectrophotometer is an appropriate solution for opaque samples while the Ci7000 Series benchtop spectrophotometers are more proper devices for translucent samples because they allow for measurement of reflectance/transmission. Available with a variety of aperture sizes, the Ci64 and Ci7000 Series offer the flexibility to choose the right measurement size for each application. There are also optional accessories available for both instruments to streamline measurement of diverse types of samples. Color iQC also includes data management tools for analysis and provides an audit trail to document quality checks.

SpectraLight QC luminaires are used to verify color harmony on the molded product under different lighting conditions as the customer will see it. These luminaires can be part of a light booth or harmony room, depending on the size of the product.

The final piece of this holistic solution is workflow optimization tools to ensure consistency between devices across the supply chain. NetProfiler is a cloud-based blend of software and color standards to confirm and improve device performance, identify devices in need of service, and reduce variation between devices.


Using a color control technology solution, molders can:

How it Works

  1. The molder receives masterbatch for a new production run.
  2. Before beginning the mix, the molder uses either a Ci7000 Series benchtop or Ci64 handheld spectrophotometer to measure an incoming section of masterbatch to ensure it is within color tolerance. To measure the pellets with the Ci64, the molder would use the pellet holder accessories to ensure proper measurement of the masterbatch pellets.
  3. Using pre-programmed tolerances for the project in Color iQC software, the molder can use the measurements to evaluate if they can start the job or must return the masterbatch.
  4. The molder formulates the resin-to-masterbatch ratio, then mixes and heats the resin and masterbatch. The molder uses the Ci64 to measure the mixture to ensure its within tolerance before pouring into the mold.
  5. During the production run, the molder will periodically pull a sample, use the Ci64 to measure the product, and reference the standard in Color iQC to ensure it is within specification tolerance.
  6. Finally, the production manager will do a final QC measurement using the Ci64 and Color iQC software, and visually inspect color harmony in the SpectraLight QC lightbooth or Harmony Room before shipping.

Using an accurate and precise spectrophotometer like the Ci64 or Ci7000 Series, and robust quality assurance software like Color iQC in plastic molding processes is indispensable for achieving consistent and high-quality color output. By using these tools, plastic molders can uphold stringent color standards, reduce waste, enhance overall operational efficiency, and show a commitment to quality standards with an audit trail.

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With simultaneous specular-included (SPIN) and specular-excluded (SPEX), the Ci64 handheld spectrophotometer can easily identify variances in color and gloss to ensure accurate color readings or verify visual inspection.



Ci7000 Series

Industry-leading benchtop sphere spectrophotometers that offer both reflectance and transmission measurements to control critical color with tight tolerances.


Color iQC

Color iQC

With Color iQC quality control software, molders can use measurement data from the Ci64 to make pass/fail decisions within tight tolerances. It uses customizable templates to monitor color from specification through production and look for areas of improvement.




Quality assurance software that verifies and optimizes performance of all connected color measurement devices to reduce variance among instruments and measurements.


SpectraLight QC

SpectraLight QC

With 7 light sources including dimmable filtered-tungsten halogen daylight (class A) and optional LED, this top-of-the line light booth provides the most accurate daylight simulation available for optimum visual assessment. It can be used for final QC for smaller items, or by suppliers to confirm correct color on parts.


Harmony Room

Harmony Room

X-Rite Harmony Rooms are custom fit-and-finish rooms with SpectraLight QC luminaires to visually evaluate the color and finish of large and assembled products under different light sources to ensure color harmony.