Upgrade to a new eXact with this special Trade-In offer!

The eXact family of products is one of best devices in the industry for measuring color in print and packaging. With new and updated easy-to-use features, users are able to access the color data they need – quickly, easily, and efficiently.

Why Upgrade?

With a device upgrade, comes opportunity.

  • Modern technology for modern substrates and ink

    • Faster measuring times – saving you time and money
    • Configurable touchscreen interface
    • Bluetooth and USB
  • Grow your business by meeting global customer requirements

    • Brands are advancing supply chains to use eXact
    • Access all of the Pantone Libraries simultaneously
  • Access to expandable color solution portfolio

    • Both software and hardware components can be field upgraded
    • Provides access to more features and functionality as business requirements change
  • Enduring technical support

This is a limited time offer. Save up to: 650€ / £540 / CHF650

Promotion Terms & Conditions:

  • Valid until July 2, 2021
  • This offer can be terminated at any time without notice.
  • All instruments must be returned.
  • Trade-in discount applies to instrument only.
  • This offer can be terminated or modified at any time without notice.
  • X-Rite reserves the right to limit the number of trade-ins.

Instruments eligible for trade-in credit:

  • X-Rite: 500 Series, 939, 962, 964, SP60, SP62, SP64, XTH
  • X-Rite or GretagMacbeth: SpectroEye, SpectroEye LT
  • X-Rite or GretagMacbeth: DensiEye 100, 700, 750
  • Gretag or GretagMacbeth: D19C, D196
  • Ihara: R710, R720, R730
  • Techkon: SpectroDens Basic, SpectroDens Advanced, SpectroDens Premium, SpectroJet
  • Konica Minolta: FD-5, FD-7


XRite eXact Advanced

eXact Advanced(イグザクト・アドバンス)
