As forward-thinking brands and their trusted suppliers embark on the digital revolution, leveraging digital workflows to turbocharge product ideation and minimize waste, a crucial shift is underway. It's not just about nailing the perfect color anymore; it's about capturing the very essence of material appearance.

Redefining Excellence: Beyond Color to Material Appearance

To take full advantage of digital workflows, companies must start by mastering digital color and appearance across the value chain to approve designs faster, improve supplier communication, create efficiencies, and streamline the design-to-production process.

You will learn:

  • Why it’s critical to digitalize color beyond spectral data
  • How to accurately visualize material appearance and create “digital twins”
  • How to reduce the prototyping stage by 50% using virtual material samples

Unlock the secrets of thriving in a digital-first era. Download our whitepaper today and learn how to elevate your digital workflow from mere color to captivating material appearance. It's time to set new standards and exceed them.