N. modello : cmunph
ColorMunki Photo
Fuori produzione
L'upgrade a questo prodotto è ora disponibile tramite il nostro partner globale Calibrite. Per saperne di più, visita calibrite.com. Il supporto tecnico per questo prodotto è fornito dal nostro partner Calibrite. Per iniziare, fai clic sul pulsante Request Service (Richiedi il servizio).
Articoli sull’assistenza
- Which ColorMunki do I have, and where is its serial number?
- When there's no monitor showing in Color Management, Devices
- Poor Results With ColorMunki Photo On PC
- FAQ: Will other people see the same color as I do?
- How to turn the ColorMunki Photo/Design or i1Studio dial
- Connectivity Issues With USB 3.0
- Windows 10 & X-Rite Software Compatibility
- Calibrating the ColorMunki Photo or ColorMunki Design
- ColorMunki Photo Training Video
- Connecting the ColorMunki to your Windows system
- Activating, Registering and Connecting Device - Windows
- Calibrating and Profiling A Glossy Display
- Calibrating and Profiling Dual Monitors on Mac OS X Systems
- Calibration hangs on Patches or Measurement is Very Slow
- Can ColorMunki Photo or ColorMunki Design be used with a RIP?
- ColorMunki Display Tray Application
- Colormunki Has Encountered a Measurement Problem During Monitor Profiling
- ColorMunki Photo ColorPicker or ColorMunki Design Preferences Open Palette HUD
- ColorMunki Photo Crash on Mac
- ColorMunki Photo EULA
- Colormunkid Message at Startup on a Mac
- Connecting the ColorMunki Photo or ColorMunki Design to a Computer
- Connection Issue On PC With Microsoft Security Essentials
- Creating a Backup of Color Palettes
- CRT Display Profiling
- DDC and/or ADC Issues With ColorMunki
- Differences Between ColorMunki Design and ColorMunki Photo
- Difficulty taking Ambient Light Measurement
- DigitalPouch not working since update to MacOS 10.6.4
- Dual Displays on Mac OS X Does Not Allow Me to Profile Second Monitor
- Error -5000 while installing software on Mac OS X
- Error When Calibrating The ColorMunki Photo or ColorMunki Design Device
- Failed To Find Any Displays Message During Display Profiling On Windows
- Font Issue On Mac - Text Is Missing Or Corrupt
- Getting Started with ColorMunki
- ICC Profile Locations on Mac and PC Operating Systems
- Known Mac OS X High Sierra 10.13 Issues
- LCD Calibration Settings
- LCD Impostazioni di calibrazione in ColorMunki software
- LUT Tester - How do I Know if My Video Card is Compatible?
- Measure colors with ColorMunki device
- Measurement Modes of the ColorMunki Photo or ColorMunki Design
- Monitor calibration is hanging on Vista or Windows 7
- Monitor Calibration with ColorMunki - troubleshooter
- Monitor Profile Unloading on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
- Monitor Profiling Hangs on Patches or Advanced Options Do Not Appear
- Monitor Profiling, Colormunki has encountered a Measurement Problem
- Monitor Shows Very Little Change After Calibration
- Mouse Clicks Don't Work With Wacom Tablets
- Naming Monitor Profiles
- Optimizing Profiles Not Built With ColorMunki
- Palettes - Synching to Third Party Software (Quark, InDesign, Illustrator, PS)
- Print Does Not Match Display
- Profile Reminder - How Often Should I Profile My Display?
- Profile Version ICC v2 or ICC v4
- Projector Profiling with ColorMunki
- Software "Freeze" While Calibrating Monitor
- Software Freezes or Crashes During Initial Patch Measurments
- Some Technical Background on CRT and LCD Monitors
- Spot Measurements - L*a*b* and sRGB Values Do Not Change With the Light Source
- Spot Measurements with ColorMunki
- Support for Multiple Operating Systems on Intel Macs
- Text is Gibberish or Encrypted when Launching Software
- Unable to Save Original Profile Error
- Unable to set LUTs Error With ColorMunki
- Unsatisfactory Results with ColorMunki Printer Profile
- UPDATING to the SNOW LEOPARD version of ColorMunki Photo
- USB 3.0 Technical Information
- Visual C++ Error When Opening Program
- Why Calibrate Monitor to D65 When Light Booth is D50
- Windows 7 Product Support Matrix
- Windows Defender - Disattivare & Attivare
- Windows Photo Gallery Looks Terrible Using ColorMunki Profiles
- Wrong Paper Size or Orientation when Printing ColorMunki Charts