Does your quality control program include visual evaluation? If not, it should. Using the SpectraLight QC as part of a color evaluation workflow. No matter your industry, judging color is more than just measuring samples with a color measurement device. Just because a spectrophotometer says your color is within tolerance, doesn’t necessarily mean it will look right to the human eye. To minimize customer rejects, your color control process needs to include visual evaluation in a light boo...

Posted March 15, 2023 by X-Rite Color

Light booths provide a controlled environment for judging color under different lighting conditions. They can help visually evaluate how different types of light will affect the perception of color, evaluate the color of raw materials before and after production, and ensure different components will remain uniform once they’re assembled.   But not all light booths are the same. With NIST traceability and ISO 17025 accreditation, X-Rite offers worldwide competence in calibration, cert...

Posted December 13, 2021 by X-Rite Color

Najlepszym sposobem wizualizacji, jak barwa będzie reagować na rzeczywiste warunki oświetleniowe, jest skorzystanie z jakościowej komory świetlnej. Tradycyjne komory świetlne zawierają powszechne źródła światła, takie jak światło dzienne, żarówki tradycyjne i świetlówki, aby odwzorować, jak barwa będzie wyglądała w sklepie detalicznym oraz po zakupie w warunkach oświetlenia zewnętrznego i domowego. Obecnie zwiększone korzystanie z lamp LED w środowiskach domowych, komercyjny...

Posted November 03, 2021 by X-Rite Color

Does your quality control program include visual evaluation? Lighting plays a huge role in how we perceive color. It can help you verify whether the color of your product is acceptable and ensure it remains accurate in every possible lighting condition after purchase.     Many of our customers are finding visual evaluation to be even more important as they transition color reviews and approvals to a different location, such as in the home office or to another remote environmen...

Posted March 27, 2020 by X-Rite Color

In my recent blog I explained why the demand for printed fabrics is increasing and the challenge this poses for the digital print industry. Today, with help from Digital Imaging Expert Scott Martin of Onsight, I will share tips and tools to help printers profile textiles for a consistent digital workflow. While smooth textures can often be measured using traditional digital tools, fabrics with texture or specular reflections (like coated canvases) can cause issues. It's a lot harder to achieve ...

Posted January 28, 2020 by Ray Cheydleur

Chociaż druk cyfrowy istnieje od wielu lat, branża przechodzi dramatyczne zmiany. Pozytywną stroną technologii druku cyfrowego jest wykorzystanie bardziej trwałych farb, tuszy, oferujących wyższą niezawodność, dłuższą żywotność druku oraz ogólną oszczędność kosztów i efektywność. Jednak te zmiany oznaczają również, że drukarnie muszą dostosować swoje sposoby działania, aby pozostać konkurencyjnymi.   Według  Allied Market Research, globalny rynek cyfrowego dr...

Posted January 23, 2020 by Ray Cheydleur

Are you wasting too much time and money on incorrect color? Even if you use the best color measurement tools available, your color will still fail without quality control. Quality control (QC) means verifying the color you specify is the same color you manufacture, throughout production. Setting up a QC program can help you accurately communicate color with clients and suppliers, inspect raw materials before you begin working, and verify your color is correct before you ship.   Five Impor...

Posted June 27, 2019 by Tim Mouw

Benchtop spectrophotometers measure in either transmission or reflectance mode to capture and quantify color on various opaque, transparent, and translucent samples, including glass, liquid, fabric, and plastic. Today we’ll explain the difference between transmission and reflectance measurements so you can determine which benchtop will meet your color measurement needs.  Transmission vs. Reflectance Measurements Both transmission and reflectance spectrophotometers emit all of the wav...

Posted February 26, 2019 by Mike Huda

Using a light booth to visually judge color is a great start to a successful color evaluation program. It allows you predict how color will look under multiple light sources so there won’t be any color surprises when the light changes over the life of the product. Introducing a color measurement device to capture spectral data is the next logical step. For a really great color program, you need to use both a light booth AND a spectrophotometer. This dynamic duo offers benefits you can&rsqu...

Posted December 18, 2017 by Mike Huda

We frequently get calls from customers who can’t figure out why their measurements vary, even when they’re using maintained devices. Why would a sample read one way one day, then slightly different another? Many times the culprit is thermochromaticity, and it becomes an even bigger problem as the seasons change. Every kind of material changes color with temperature. These changes cause the material to exhibit a shift in reflected wavelengths of light, which can alter our perception....

Posted September 19, 2017 by Mike Huda
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