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ICC color management means having a workflow that is predictable, consistent, and repeatable from capture through proofing to final output. To achieve a color managed workflow, you need to calibrate your devices and create an ICC profile for every component, including the camera, monitor, projector, scanner, and printer.   Why Calibrate and Profile? For the best color results, you need to calibrate each device that is contributing to your workflow to ensure it is accurately reproducing colo...

Posted January 27, 2021 by Ray Cheydleur

위도, 경도, 고도 등의 지리적 좌표와 같이 컬러 또한  L*a*b* 값을 사용하여, 정확한 색상 값을 지정하고 그것을 기반으로 커뮤니케이션을 할 수 있습니다. What’s the history of L*a*b*? 1940년대에, Richard Hunter박사는 3차원 공간 모델인 Lab을 개발하였습니다. 이 LAB 모델은 인식된 색상 차이를 동일한 공간영역으로 나타내기 위해 구성되었습니다. 31년후, CIE는 Hunter’s Lab의 업데이트 버전인 CIELab을 발표했습니다. CIELab을 올바르게 읽는 방법은 “see-lab” 또는 “L-star, a-star, b-star,” 이지만, 일부의 색상측정 장비나 어플리케이션은 간략화 하여 L,A,B 또는 Lab이라고 표기하기도 합니다. What does L*a*b* stand for?  어떠한 식으로 CIElab을 부르던, 더 중요한 것은 L*a...

Posted October 08, 2018 by Tim Mouw

To understand how color management works, you need a basic knowledge of the additive and subtractive systems of color reproduction. Both use a small number of primary colors that combine to produce a large number – or gamut – of colors… but the way they do that is quite different. In our Color Perception Part 1: The Effect of Light  post, we explained how the visible color spectrum (we know it as the rainbow) encompasses light wavelengths from approximately 380 to 720 nm....

Posted August 10, 2018 by Tim Mouw

It’s been said that everything you need to know you learned in kindergarten. Does this phrase ring true for print and packaging designers? In the spirit of spring, we attempted to use a simple childhood activity—dyeing eggs—to solve some of the most perplexing color issues facing the packaging designer/printer relationship.                 Here are three lessons to learn about color in print and packaging from our annual egg dyeing ...

Posted April 06, 2017 by Shoshana Burgett

If accurate color is a must in your world, then you know the importance of color measurement instrumentation. Spectrophotometers are used in many industries to identify, formulate, measure and communicate color. They can compare samples and standards to identify even the smallest differences. From concept through formulation and production, spectrophotometers are an invaluable part of any color-managed workflow. But have you ever stopped to think how these devices were developed? Today we’ll tak...

Posted November 16, 2015 by X-Rite Color

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