ISO 12647-7 Target Files XML

Download:ISO 12647-7 Target Files (XML)

Version: NA

Previous Version:none

Release Date: 2/8/2008

File Type: PC - Zipped XML, Mac - Zipped XML

Download: PC Version   Mac Version


Reference files to verify the proof for the conditions of ISO12547-7 printing standards

Zip file includes Gracol (coated1), SWOP3 (coated3), and SWOP5 (coated5)

Notes below describe default storage locations for the QCColor application.

PC (default locations):

Label:  C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\My Documents\QCcolorLabels\
Target: C:\Program Files\X-Rite\MonacoQCcolor Suite 1.5\MonacoQCcolor\Resources\localtargets\

Mac (default locations):

Label:  Macintosh HD/USERS/<Username>/Documents/QCcolorLabels/
Target: Launch MonacoQCcolor and use the "File" menu to select "Manage Local Targets".
        The local target folder will open automatically.  Copy the target file(s) into
        the local target folder.  Return to MonacoQCcolor and select "Reload".


        Use QCcolorAdmin to upload targets and set user privileges.  Label files should be
        copied locally to any of the connected MonacoQCcolor client workstations.

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