The Pantone Color of the Year announcement is always exciting. Not only does it set the stage for upcoming trends, it also provides brand owners and designers critical guidance for marketing and product development. However, those who are charged with manufacturing products and packaging with trending colors (like 2021's Ultimate Gray and Illuminating) know it doesn’t “just happen.” It takes time and effort to incorporate new colors. Whether you work in paints, plasti...

December 14, 2020 by X-Rite Color

Obwohl es den Digitaldruck schon seit vielen Jahren gibt, befindet sich die Branche derzeit in einem dramatischen Wandel. Positiv ist, dass die Digitaldrucktechnologie mit länger haltbaren Druckfarben arbeitet und höhere Zuverlässigkeit, längere Drucklebensdauer, Kosteneinsparungen und Effizienzsteigerungen bietet. Doch aufgrund dieser Veränderungen müssen Druckdienstleister ihre Arbeitsweise anpassen, um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.   Laut Allied Mar...

January 23, 2020 by Ray Cheydleur

It’s been said that everything you need to know you learned in kindergarten. Does this phrase ring true for print and packaging designers? In the spirit of spring, we attempted to use a simple childhood activity—dyeing eggs—to solve some of the most perplexing color issues facing the packaging designer/printer relationship.                 Here are three lessons to learn about color in print and packaging from our annual egg dyeing ...

April 06, 2017 by Shoshana Burgett

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