Need tips to optimize your color formulation workflow?

During this short webinar, Color Applications Specialist Jochen Mohr explains how Color iMatch formulation software can help you deliver more accurate color matches in less time and with fewer corrections. He also demonstrates new quickstep features to help you optimize your formulation workflow.

You Will Learn:

  • How to use the correction function to more accurately pinpoint how to get a recipe back on target
  • How to use the batch recycle function to leverage wasted materials within recipes

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Prodotti di riferimento in questo webinar

Ci7860 Benchtop Spectrophotometer; Meet Tightest Color Tolerances

Spettrofotometro da banco a sfera Ci7860

Per ottenere le più precise e uniformi misure possibili

Color iMatch Per la formulazione del colore nella plastica, coatings e tessili

Software di formulazione Color iMatch

Per la formulazione del colore nella plastica, coatings e tessili

Color iQC Per il controllo qualità

Software Color iQC

Per il controllo qualità

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