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Where are Palettes Exported to using Pantone Color Manager?

Not able to locate my exported palettes so I can manually load them into my Adobe or other third party editing software.Once a user exports these palettes they will automatically be loaded into the correct swatch location, there is not a manually loading process that needs to take place.  That said, they will need to navigate to the correct swatch book that is open or append the existing one.

For Windows:

C:\ProgramFiles\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS5.1 (CS # - version?)\Presets\Swatches Libraries
(file format automatically defaults to .ase)
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5.1(CS # - version?)\Presets\en_US\Swatches PCM Backup
(file automatically defaults to .ase once again.)
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 (CS # - version?)\Presets\Color Swatches
(file format here will automatically default to .aco.)

For Mac:
Applications > Adobe InDesign CS5.1 (CS # - version?) > Presets > Swatch Libraries

Applications > Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 (CS # - version?) > Presets >Swatches

Photoshop :
Applications > Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 (CS # - version?) >Presets > Color Swatches

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