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Harmony Room

Spectralight QC Harmony Room Promotion

Bring Full Harmony to Color Evaluation

"Our X-Rite SpectraLight-powered light room, painted Munsell gray, impresses customers from the automotive and other industries with its ability to simplify evaluation of color under various controlled lighting conditions" — Joe Andrade LAB MANAGER, TEKNOR

Harmony RoomEvaluating color under controlled lighting conditions is one of the most critical steps in accurate color evaluation. Large items such as cars, furniture, and carpets are difficult or impossible to evaluate without a controlled lighting room like X-Rite’s Spectralight QC Harmony Room. These customized fit-and-finish rooms provide best-in-class viewing conditions, including the industry’s best daylight simulation, allowing products to be evaluated under all the lighting conditions to which they will be exposed to guarantee color accuracy.


Contact us today and save 25%! 

Buy a minimum of 3 SPLQC Luminaires toward your Harmony Room by December 16th, 2016, and receive a 25% discount off list price. [1]

Speak to an X-Rite Color Expert today.

Harmony Room: The Details

Harmony Rooms are customized fit-and-finish rooms that are used to detect color and surface differences where components are provided by a variety of global suppliers. Unlike other color rooms available on the market, X-Rite Harmony Rooms do not depend solely on fluorescent

lighting; rather, they provide seven different light sources, including optimal daylight simulation, for superior visual assessment results. The SpectraLight QC luminaire helps avoid common errors in color and finish evaluation caused by lack of standardized lighting and differences in the way individuals view color. In addition it provides:Harmony Room

  • Precision light sources that ensure the highest quality standards when implemented as part of a consistent color program.
  • Flexible arrangements to fit nearly any space, large or small, while allowing inspection of many products by multiple people simultaneously.
  • Up to 7 different light sources that simulate a variety of color critical environments, including the industry’s de facto standard for filtered tungsten daylight (CIE D50 & D65), Incandescent (CIE ‘A’), UV and multiple fluorescent sources.
  • Consultation with X-Rite color experts, who design layouts for a variety of industries around the world, to achieve optimal lighting configurations for repeatable evaluations.


[1] Minimum order quantity of three (3) units. 30-day fulfillment lead-time for all promotional orders. Not to be used in combination with other discounts or promotions. X-Rite reserves the right to cancel this promotion at any time

Brand owners, suppliers and manufacturers in the automotive, textiles, furniture and many other industries can take advantage of the Spectralight QC Harmony Room to improve color evaluation, saving time and money, and reducing errors.

Learn more about the Spectralight QC Harmony Room

Or contact us today to speak to an X-Rite Color Expert

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