ASDA and Ultimate Packaging

How did Ultimate Packaging Benefit?
The new PantoneLIVE/ColorCert-enabled process helped Ultimate Packaging see performance gaps they were not previously aware of. It also provided data to its ink supplier, platemaker and repro house for better communication. The results have been amazing, with a 200% increase in the company’s ColorCert score and a significant reduction in the need for client meetings, saving many man hours every week.
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Featured Color Management Solutions
Learn more about the products featured in this whitepaper:

PantoneLIVE is a suite of products, licenses and services enabling secure access to a database of spectrally defined Pantone® and brand spot color standards via a partner ecosystem.
Next generation handheld color measurement solution for understanding, controlling, managing and communicating color across the entire color workflow, avoiding reprints and rework.
ColorCert Suite
The ColorCert Suite simplifies color communication across all internal and external stakeholders. From prepress and the inkroom to production process control, it helps you manage precise color and print specifications, uniting traditional silos of information into one common workflow.PANTONE®, PantoneLIVE and other Pantone trademarks are the property of Pantone LLC. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Pantone is a wholly owned subsidiary of X-Rite, Incorporated. Licensed under Sun Chemical Corporation. Sun Chemical’s patented technology enables the communication of a consistent, digital description of the desired appearance of a product. – [U.S. Patent Nos. 7,034,960; 7,202,976; 7,268,918; 7,417,764 and their foreign equivalents]. © Pantone LLC, 2016. All rights reserved.