모델 번호 : cf57w
Accurate Readings for Fast Paint Color Matches
Quickly determining formulation recipes for matching paint to customer-supplied samples enhances customer satisfaction and paint counter productivity. With the rugged X-Rite CF57 45/0 spectrophotometer, counter personnel can measure customer-supplied or other samples as small as a half inch. It is easy to use, simplifying the color measurement process, and measures a wide variety of samples, including paper, plastic, fabric, painted surfaces and more.
The X-Rite CF57 is designed for use with ColorDesigner PLUS software, creating the ideal solution for formulating and storing paint color recipes. The instrument sends spectral data to the host computer for fast, accurate formulation. It also includes a built-in white calibration reference, assuring accurate calibration with minimal operator intervention.
- A compact, rugged, entry-level spectrophotometer ideal for retail paint matching.
- Consistent, accurate readings of both smooth and textured surfaces on samples as small as one-half inch.
- Removable sample holder for measurement of unique samples.
- For extra value, pair with ColorDesigner PLUS software for automated formulation and easy storage and retrieval of paint colorant recipes.
- Minimal maintenance required and no loose parts, making it ideal for long-term use at retail paint counters.
This reliable spectrophotometer is affordable and easy to use, requiring minimal operator training to achieve accurate, reliable color measurements for the best possible paint matches.
Aperture | 8 mm |
교정 | White and Open Port calibration |
통신 인터페이스 | USB |
크기(길이, 너비, 높이) | 9.0" L x 5.75" W x 5.0" H |
습도 | 0 to 85% RH, non-condensing |
Illumination Spot Size | Not published |
Image Contact During Measurements | Contact |
Inter-Instrument Agreement | 0.30 DEab avg on BCRA tiles |
Internal Temperature & Humidity Sensor | No |
램프 수명 | Not published |
광원 | Gas-filled tungsten |
Measurement Background | Gray |
Measurement Geometry | 45/0 |
Measurement Spot | 8 mm |
Measurement Time | 4 seconds |
Measurement Working Distance | Zero |
Minimum Order Quantity | 1 |
작동 온도 범위 | 10° to 40° C |
Package Dimensions (length, width, height) | 14" L x 14" W x 11" H |
Patch Size | 8 mm |
Photometric Range | 0 to 200% reflectance |
Photometric Resolution | 20 nm intervals |
Reflectance Aperture(s) | 8 mm |
Scanning Capability | No |
서비스 표시기 | No |
선적 중량 | 13 pounds |
Short Term Repeatability - Black | Not Published |
Short Term Repeatability - White | 0.10 max DEab |
Software Development Kit | Yes |
Spectral Analyzer | DRS filter wheel |
Spectral Interval | 20 nm intervals |
Spectral Range | 400-700 nm @ 20 nm |
Spectral Reporting | 400-700 nm @ 20 nm |
Status Panel | No status panel |
보관 온도 범위 | '-20° to 50° C |
유닛 컬러 | Gray |
전압 | AC power supply, 115/230 VAC, 50-60 Hz |
품질보증 | 12 months |
전력량 | Not published |
무게 | 8.0 pounds |
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