Configuration Commands for the DTP41

Many advanced users of the DTP41 have asked for additional information on how to talk to the instrument via a terminal program. For most users, the X-Rite ToolCrib utility is the easiest and best option for talking to the instrument, however for users of OS versions not supported by ToolCrib, or who want to use a simple terminal program we provide the list of commands below.

Note: These are normally thought of as programmers codes, and as such no phone support for the use of these codes is offered. If you have questions, feel free to email your questions instead: . In addition if you wish to read a strip, or perform a spot read, with the instrument we recommend the following resources:

Configuration settings:

The convention used for configuration settings is: switch setting, switch, CF -return- (with no comma separators.) For example if you wished to turn autotransmit on, you would use 0105CF -return-.

All settings noted with an asterisk* are those that are the default of the instrument as shipped from the factory.

SwitchName and Switch Setting
01Beeper Tone
 00 - off
 01 - soft
 02 - medium
 03 - loud*
04RS232 Handshaking
 00 - off*
 01 - cts
 02 - busy
 03 - xon
05Auto transmit
 00 - off*
 01 - on
06Decimal point
 00 - off
 01 - on*
07Response data separator modes
 00- space
 01 - comma*
 02 - tab
 03 - carriage return
 04 - carriage return & line feed
 05 - line feed
08Response delimiter in RCI mode (see 12CF)
 00 - carriage return
 01 - carriage return & line feed*
 02 - line feed
09Echo settings
 00 - off*
 01 - on
0ADecimal Precision
 00 - .
 01 - .0
 02 - .00*
 03 - .000
 04 - .0000
 05 - .00000
0FShow data labels
 00 - off*
 01 - on*
12RS-232 Protocol modes
 00 - RCI*
 01 - ICP
13Measurement modes
 00 - Static measurement mode
 01 - Dynamic measurement mode*
14Number of samples to average per static reading
15Number of readings taken in static measurement
16Illuminant/Observer types
 00 - A_2
 01 - A_10
 02 - C_2
 03 - C10
 04 - D50_2*
 05 - D50_10
 06 - D65_2
 07 - D65_10
 08 - F2_2
 09 - F2_10
 0A - F7_2
 0B - F7_10
 0C - F11_2
 0D - F11_10
 0E - F12_2
 0F - F12_10
 10 - D75_2 (added after firmware v8212)
 11 - D75_10 (added after firmware v8212)
 12 - D55_2 (added after firmware v8212)
 13- D55_10 (added after firmware v8212)
17Density status types
 00 - Status_A
 01 - Status_E
 02 - Status_I
 03 - Status_T*
 04 - Spectral
 05 - Spectral_X (added after firmware v8212)
 06 - Status_HIFI (VCMYRGBO) (added after firmware v8212)
 08 - Status_Tx (added after firmware v8212)
 09 - Status_Ax (reflectance) (added after firmware v8212)
 0A - Status_Ex (added after firmware v8212)
 0B - Status_G (added after firmware v8212)
 0C - Status_M (added after firmware v8212)
 0D - Status_Axt (transmission) (added after firmware v8212)
 0E - Status_Mx (added after firmware v8212)
Note:  Status responses with the sub-x option are responses with correction factors entered to more closely match the existing population of filtered densitometers. Status responses without the sub-x option correspond directly to the ANSI definitions.
18Data Output types
 00 - Density
 01 - Plus Dot
 02 - Minus Dot
 03 - Reflectance*
 04 - Lab
 05 - XYZ
 06 - Yxy
 07 - xyY
 08 - LCh
 09 - Density (VCMYRGBO)
19Instrument mode (added after firmware v8212)
 00 - Reflectance*
 01 - Transmission
 Additional Commands
CMCalibrate Drive motor
CRCalibrate Reflectance
 This executes reflection calibration using the supplied calibration reference
CUCalibrate Unit (added after firmware v8212)
 This enters the CR, CM and, if transmission mode is present CT
DMDrive Motor - turns on/off the drive motor
 02 DM returns current motor speed
 1.20DM will set the motor to the default motor speed
RIReset Instrument to its power - up state
RMRequest Measurement Initiates the measurement process
SVSend Version returns the model and firmware version
XEClear and transmit errors

Error Codes:  Many  users have asked to understand the errors that  a DTP41 can display in a terminal window - a small subset of the error codes are listed below. All errors are displayed in a <xx> format where the xx is equivalent to two numbers, or a number followed by a letter. If instead the error comes back like <Ax> (capitol letter followed by a number) this indicates a compound error. Use the XE command to list the individual errors and clear the error stack.

Note:  If your instrument displays error codes other than those listed below it is likely that it will require factory service. Please contact X-Rite Customer Service to arrange repair.

00 Measurement Complete, no error
11 Bad Command
21 Timeout
22 Bad Strip
27 Bad Reading
28 Needs Calibration
29 Cal failure
31 Lamp Error
34 Drive Motor Error
3D Temperature Error
3F Transmission Lamp Error

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