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Using the DNG Profile Manager

fThe ColorChecker Passport makes it easy to create custom DNG profiles that ensure great color for each of your shooting conditions. As your profile list grows, you may find that you need an easy way to organize your profiles. The DNG ProfileManager was designed to help you manage and keep track of all the DNG Profiles you need for your workflow. It provides a visual interface to manage all of the existing profiles that reside on your workstation, allowing you to easily activate, deactivate, rename, or delete any profile.

EnabledIdentifies whether a DNG profile is active for use. A checked box indicates an enabled profile and an empty box indicates a disabled profile.
NameDisplays the name of each DNG profile
CameraIndicates the camera body model for this profile
Illuminant 1For single illuminant DNG profiles, this column displays the luminance value used in the profile. For dual illuminant profiles, it displays the first luminance value used.
Illuminant 2For dual illuminant DNG profiles, this column displays the second luminance value used
CreatedDisplays the date on which the DNG profile was created.

Importing Profiles
To import DNG profiles into your photo editing applications, simply drag and drop them onto the DNG ProfileManager interface. The profiles will automatically save to the correct default location. You can then enable or disable the profiles as needed.

Sorting Profiles
The DNG ProfileManager displays all profiles that you have created. You can sort by column by clicking on the column name. Click the column header again to toggle between sorting by ascending or descending order.

Locating Profilesf
To locate the actual DNG profile on your system, click File > Open DNG Profile Folder

Deleting a Profile
To delete a profile, select it in the DNG ProfileManager and click File > Delete.. Ths moves your profile to the Trash (Mac) or Recycle Bin (PC)

Searching for Profiles
it is easy to search for a profile that you created. Just start typing the name of the profile in the Search field and DNG ProfileManager provides you with live results as you type.

You can also filter the profiles displayed by camera body. To do so, click on the Camera drop-down menu and select the camera body that you wish to see profiles for. Select All Cameras to display every installed profile.

Enabling or Disabling Profiles
To enable a DNG profile, select the checkbox under the Enabled column. If you no longer wish to display a profile in your working list of DNG profiles, deselect the checkbox and the profile no longer appears in your applications.

Renaming DNG Profiles
Each DNG profile you create has a unique name. By using a consistent and detailed naming convention for your profiles, you are able to easily locate the one that you wish to use, or enable/disable.

The DNG ProfileManager allows you to rename your profiles by clicking on File > Rename Profile. A descriptive naming convention allows you to easily identify the date, lighting condition and lens used. An example of a naming convention is:

[Date]_[Lighting Condition]_[Lens] or


For best results, rename your profile using the DNG ProfileManager as opposed to renaming it from within the Finder or Explorer. Renaming the profile through the DNG ProfileManager automatically changes both the internal name and the external name that you see on your system, ensuring that they match.

Export DNG Profiles
Exporting DNG Profiles is an excellent way to maintain a backup or share your profiles. To export your DNG Profiles, select your desired profiles and click on File > Export DNG Profiles. You are prompted for the location to export the selected DNG Profiles.

DNG Profiles are specific to the camera model. Shared profiles can only be applied to images taken with the same camera model (i. e. a profile created for the Canon 40D cannot be applied to an image taken with a Canon 5D Mark II).

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