How Consistent Are Your Processes?

"Going through the PANTONE Certified Printer process really opened our eyes. Just because the work gets out doesn't mean it is performed efficiently. Our processes are now consistent and we are a much stronger company."
Michael Clark President, Cedar Graphics

Not all certification programs are created equally. With the PANTONE Certified Printer Program, we audit your operations from end to end, including prepress and the ink room, and recommend process changes that can improve your efficiency. We also assist you in developing standard operating procedures so that everyone is speaking the same language and performing at top efficiency.

To become a PANTONE Certified Printer, our experts will guide you through these 4 steps:

  1. Establish Current State. A print shop starts by completing separate audit checklists for prepress, ink room, and pressroom. An X-Rite Pantone Expert reviews and analyzes every aspect of the workflow—from preflight, file prep and proofing, to ink color formulation and mixing, and finally to pressroom process control—making sure everything is in place to consistently evaluate color. If components such as instrumentation, software or lighting should be upgraded, or if additional training is necessary, recommendations will be made accordingly.

  2. Develop and Refine Standard Operating Procedures. Employees are better equipped to perform their jobs and make decisions when they know exactly what needs to be done. X-Rite Pantone will provide feedback and guidance to help the print shop create standard operating procedures that are based on industry standards and best practices. No more inconsistencies from day to night shift, or reliance on one person for complex work … these SOPs will reduce variability across shifts and over time to help print shops deliver consistent, reliable performance and make staff training easier.

  3. On-Site Validation. Following implementation of recommended improvements, X-Rite Pantone will audit each department to validate that:

    • Prepress properly preflights files, specifies color in documents and produces color-accurate proofs and properly calibrated plates.
    • Inkroom technicians qualify incoming ink supplies and accurately formulate inks for specified media.
    • Press operators are able to maintain controlled output that confirms to the defined print specifications.
  4. Sustain and Market. Once the new SOPs are solidified, X-Rite Pantone or a qualified third-party expert can provide training to close gaps wherever they occur, including those related to employees and processes. The PANTONE Certified Printer Program is sustainable. When others go away, we continue to monitor performance on a quarterly basis to ensure that standards are met and procedures are consistent. Plus, marketing high quality PANTONE Color reproduction enables you to drive more work, new work and consistent work into your business.

As Cedar Graphics' Michael Clark and others will testify, PANTONE Certified Printers can:

  • Achieve accurate color reproduction, for both PANTONE Spot and Process Colors.
  • Enforce quality control in all steps of the production process.
  • Drive consistent color across shifts and locations.
  • Reduce waste.
  • Increase profitability.
  • Market themselves with the PANTONE Certified Printer logo.
  • And best of all, start realizing ROI in 3-6 months!

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