El Pantone Color Institute acaba de anunciar PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating como el color Pantone del año 2021. Según el Pantone Color Institute, PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating, una combinación de colores que transmite un mensaje de fuerza y esperanza que es a la vez duradero y edificante. Illuminating es un amarillo brillante y alegre que brilla con vivacidad, un cálido tono amarillo imbuido de energí...
Whether you work with plastics, coatings or textiles, you must consistently achieve in-tolerance color or your product could be rejected before it even makes it to the shelf or showroom. This is especially true for brands that rely on off-site suppliers and manufacturers for raw materials and parts that come together at assembly, such as the plastic dashboard, fabric seats, and coated interior panels of a car. Even if each site produces in-tolerance color, it must be monitored an...
La COVID-19 ha paralizado a muchas industrias, las textiles incluidas. Las prohibiciones de viaje y las órdenes de refugiarse en un lugar están obligando a las grandes cadenas interconectadas a repensar su forma de trabajar. Para las marcas que ya estaban buscando nuevas formas de lograr un color preciso y acelerar el tiempo de comercialización, esto podría ser una oportunidad. Esta pandemia global podría ayudar a la industria de la vestimenta a tomar decision...
Appearance is more than just color. It’s an all-inclusive look at everything inherent to an object, including texture, gloss, transparency, translucency, and special effects like sparkle and shimmer. When viewed from different angles or under different lighting conditions, appearance effects can change our perception of color. That's why it’s important to control both color and appearance throughout design and development. Durable goods brands use appearance effects to captur...