RS232 Specifications - 400 Series Instruments

The following factory defaults are true of all X-Rite 400 series densitometers

Word structure / rate

 1 start bit
 7 bits of data
 1 parity bit set to SPACE condition
 1 stop bit
 1200 baud

While the baud rate may be edited (some models), the word structure is fixed. Note: Not all terminal programs can support MARK and SPACE options. Either of the following word structures will receive instrument data correctly.

 1200, 8, N, 1
 1200, 7, S, 1

As shipped from the factory the ASCII data looks like the following.

 n designates the filter, V, C, M, or Y
 X.XX is the value of the measured target
 <spc> is the space character
 <cr> is the carriage return character
 <lf> is the line feed character


If only a single field is enabled (default for model 400) then the data takes the form:

 n designates the filters, V, C, M, or Y (V only; model 400)
 X.XX is the value of the measured target
 <cr> is the carriage return character
 <lf> is the line feed character


For additional information describing the various output formats refer to the densitometer's operation manual and / or the RS232 supplement; XXX-506,where XXX is the instrument model.

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