Seminário de Princípios básicos de cor

Este seminário de Princípios básicos de cor e aparência vai ensiná-lo a controlar e comunicar cores mais efetivamente.


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There are currently no session available for this training course.Please check back later or contact us for more information

O melhor treinamento de um dia do país, você irá se divertir e aprender com este seminário. Fornecedores e fabricantes de todo o país usam as informações apresentadas para estabelecer padrões de qualidade de cor, portanto, você também pode!

Satisfação garantida
Se você não ficar totalmente satisfeito com um algum seminário da X-Rite, forneceremos um voucher de treinamento para você participar de outro seminário no futuro.


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Who Should Attend? 

  • Press operators, quality assurance or quality control managers, production supervisors, and prepress professionals looking to better understand how to improve efficiencies in the pressroom. Additionally, if you're working with an X-Rite eXact and/or Color iQC Print, this is the course for you.

Why Attend?

  • Our Fundamentals of Color seminar is the leading one-day educational course in the country. Benefiting from the following course tools, suppliers and manufacturers, nationwide, have utilized the information presented to establish color quality standards.
    • Knowledgeable Instructors
      • Our team of speakers and instructors are considered to be industry leaders and have accumulated years of hands-on practical experience and expertise in their respective fields. You’ll learn from experts in areas such as color management, printing, textiles, plastics and more.
    • After the Seminar
      • After you’ve attended a seminar, you are encouraged to continue contacting us through your My X-Rite account for additional information or answers to technical questions. Our team will promptly respond to all requests.
    • Free Materials
      • As part of the seminar tour, all attendees will receive the Munsell Interactive Learning Kit and a Pantone gift free of charge.
    • Product Discounts
      • Participants will receive a 10% discount voucher that is valid until December 31, 2018. The voucher cannot exceed $500.00 off a purchase.

The Science of Color and Appearance

  • The color models – additive, subtractive, and mixed
  • How the eye works, including testing color vision and deficiencies
  • Communicating color information

Quantifying Color

  • Understanding the CIE system of color
  • Interpreting spectral reflectance
  • Quantifying light sources, color temperatures and illuminants


  • The difference between colorimeters and spectrophotometers
  • Light sources and UV in instruments
  • Viewing angles, sphere, and diffraction grating
  • Instrument repeatability and reproducibility

Visual Quality Control

  • Visual and instrumental color assessment
  • Getting the right viewing conditions and light source
  • Understanding metamerism

Instrumental Quality Control

  • Deploying enterprise-wide color management and color policies
  • Physical and numerical standards
  • Pass/fail analysis
  • Limitations of color measurement systems

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Teoria de cores: compreendendo os números das cores

Este curso foi descontinuado. Consulte o curso Fundamentals of Color and Appearance (FOCA) - Online para ver a nossa nova formação.


Princípios básicos de cor no local

Este curso no local de Princípios básicos de cor e aparência vai ensiná-lo a analisar e implementar um programa confiável de qualidade de cor.


Customized on-site training

Treinamento no local

Precisa de ajuda individualizada? O time de Arquitetura de Soluções está pronto para ir até você e oferecer treinamento e suporte de cor para que tenha o máximo de seu equipamento e software de cores.

Dúvidas? Precisa de um orçamento? Contato. (888) 800-9580