When you're investing in a new color measurement solution, you need to find an instrument - and a support team - that is specific to your business needs. Combined with Pantone and Munsell, we have 120+ years of experience helping our customers achieve consistent color from initial design to final production. 

We rise above the competition by providing a complete portfolio of end-to-end color solutions.

We offer comprehensive industry knowledge, training, and support.

Our color experts come from the field and have experience dealing with the same questions and issues you’re encountering. We offer color training on everything from color basics to advanced methods for color control. Once you choose your solution, we will be here to help you implement it, train you how to use it, and support you when you have questions.

Get Started with X-Rite.

We understand that organizations have unique needs and levels of color expertise. Whether you’re new to the world of color or a large company trying to manage brand color around the globe, contact us to get started. 

Check Out Popular X-Rite Solutions

Ci64 spectrophotometer measuring fabric

Espectrofotómetro de mano Ci64

Para la medición más precisa

X-Rite eXact Standard, eXact spectrophotometer, exact spectro

eXact Standard

Espectro para uso en Papel y Cartón:

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