The Virtual Quality Control Bundle enables you to control your standards and color measurement processes from anywhere so you can keep production moving. 

The bundle includes:

  • A Ci62 or Ci64 Spectrophotometer: Flexible and adaptable portable sphere devices designed ensure you meet manufacturing goals, whether you’re working on a production line or from a remote location.
  • Color iQC Software: Configurable quality control software that helps brands, suppliers, and manufacturers define measurement modes and instrument calibration to ensure correct color measurement practices from any location. 
  • May not be combined with any other offers.
  • This offer can be terminated at any time without notice.

Productos a los que se hace referencia en esta promoción


Espectrofotómetro portátil Ci62

Para una medición consistente

Ci64 spectrophotometer measuring fabric

Espectrofotómetro de mano Ci64

Para la medición más precisa

Color iQC Para control de calidad y garantía de calidad

Software Color iQC

Para control de calidad y garantía de calidad

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