The PANTORA Material Hub enables designers, 3D artists, material specifiers and marketers to easily create a centralized library of digital materials as well as store, manage and edit digital material files for realistic and consistent material renderings that improves product quality and accelerates time to market.

One of the most costly and time-consuming aspects for designers is the manual process involved with the creation and distribution of physical mock-ups and samples within the design work flow. It can also be challenging to accurately communicate material and other specifications across multiple locations and facilitate collaboration that improves design and accelerate time to market. 

Meet the PANTORA Material Hub, part of X-Rite Pantone's Total Appearance Capture ecosystem. This desktop application allows you to easily store, manage and edit digital material files for realistic and consistent material renderings from design to production and point of sale. 

In this free webinar, you will learn how to:

  • Create and manage a centralized library of digital materials
  • Store, share, and edit these materials to be utilized in PLM and CAD applications, including   
     support for non-rectangular cropping and other advanced capabilities
  • Speed time to market and improve product quality
  • Integrate a virtual light booth for creation and viewing of digital scenes under controlled lighting

About the Presenters

Tobias Rausch
Thomas Meeker
Thomas Meeker is the 3D Solutions Architect for X-Rite North America supporting the Total Appearance Capture (TAC) ecosystem. As a Technical Artist and Designer, he has a rich background in 3D modeling and animation that he is able to effectively apply in his X-Rite role to help product developers and manufacturers migrate to a more digital future.

What people have said about Total Appearance Capture

"Total Appearance Capture technology has the potential to transform the automotive industry’s processes for designing products and creating marketing materials."

— Michael Russell, Autodesk

Capture. Communicate. Visualize.

Welcome to the smoothest and most accurate way to take real materials and migrate them into the digital world. Now, you can measure and model the appearance characteristics of a physical material with an entirely new level of accuracy, enabling unmatched realism and efficiency in virtual design.

Fill out the form to watch and learn more.



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