Poor Results With ColorMunki Display On PC

Customers can sometimes experience poor results, unexpected results, color casts, or bad results with a ColorMunki Display monitor profile on a PC

If a display profile produces poor results (color cast, low contrast, high contrast, low luminance, etc...), try profiling again after making sure to check the following:

First, make the Windows OS settings that are explained in the following web article. Although this was written for Windows 7, everything will apply except for Aero Mode…Windows 8 and Windows 10 dropped that visual theme.
Link to Web article:
Reset your display to factory settings and then check to see if your display’s menu has “DDC” or “DDC/CI” enabled or turned on. If so, disable it or turn it off in your display’s menu. Dell monitor menus tend to place “DDC/CI” in the “Other Settings” of the menu. Before profiling, be sure to:


Next, please do the following in exactly this order:
  1. Go to the Windows Explorer and navigate to the “C:\Program Files (x86)\X-Rite\ColorMunki Display\Profiles” folder.
  2. Right-click on the “XRite_LinearProfile.icc” profile and then left-click on “Install Profile”. Close Windows Explorer.
  3. Open “Color Management” in Control Panel. Click on the profile named “DisplayProfile_Linear.icc” and then choose “Set Default Profile” to reset your display’s RGB channels to a linear fashion. The onscreen color should change and will likely look bad. If “DisplayProfile_Linear.icc” is not in the list of profiles, click on “Add”, locate and select “DisplayProfile_Linear.icc”, and then choose “OK” to add it to the list and then set it as the default.
  4. Close Color Management and Control Panel.
  5. Connect the CM Display and open the ColorMunki Display software application.
Now profile your display using this workflow:

I would recommend turning off “ADC” and not using the video LUTs to adjust brightness by opening the ColorMunki Display “Preferences” window with the ColorMunki plugged in. Follow these instructions to turn these functions off:

  1. On PC…go to “File” in the upper left corner of ColorMunki Display’s home page and click on “Preferences”.
  2. Uncheck “Achieve display luminance value using video LUTs” and uncheck “Enable ADC”. Select the appropriate Technology Type for your display. If you ever use a Windows application to view your images (i.e., Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Print & Fax Viewer), you will need to select “Version 2” for your ICC Profile Version. Keep the Tone Response Curve at “2.2 (default)”. Click on “OK” to save the settings and close “Preferences”.
  3. Select “Profile My Display”.
  4. When profiling, select the “Advanced” method and use D65 for the white point target and select the bottom radio button to choose a target luminance of 120 cd/m2. If you have been using other target settings or your print lab recommends other settings, feel free to use them.
  5. Uncheck both of the “Advanced Options” (Ambient Light Smart Control and Flare Correct) and click “Next”.
  6. When saving the profile, use the default name with the time/date stamp.

The recommended display profiling settings of a D65 white point, 2.2 gamma, and 120cd/m2 has been set by the industry experts. The photographers and graphic designers of the world have determined that a monitor profiled to these parameters will most closely match a print that is viewed in a 5000K light booth (Graphic arts standard). The default gamma (aka; tone response) is set at 2.2 in ColorMunki’s Preference menu found in “File” > “Preferences” from the home screen. We would recommend using the Advanced method and select the bottom option to set luminance to a specific level and then select “120”. If your prints are darker than your display, feel free to try a lower display luminance setting of 100, 90, or even 80.
The following link will take you to our ColorMunki Display profiling training video:


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