Il color management ha generato una miriade di opportunità per inchiostri nuovi e particolari su un’ampia gamma di substrati come carta, tessuto, ceramica, materiali trasparenti e molti altri ancora. Per garantire di poter mantenere sempre accurato il colore quando si eseguono i lavori con queste nuove applicazioni, è necessario creare un profilo di stampa per ogni combinazione di stampante, inchiostro e substrato. X-Rite offre gli strumenti giusti per creare i profili in modo rapido e semplice....

Posted September 16, 2022 by X-Rite Color

As digital printing continues to grow, many printmakers are moving beyond traditional media to create artwork on substrates like wood, acrylic, textiles, and backlit materials. While the results can be beautiful, achieving exceptional print quality on these materials can be challenging.   Enter the i1Pro 3 Plus. With its large aperture, polarization and transmissive capabilities, this new member of X-Rite’s i1Pro Family can create color profiles for substrates that are otherwise ...

Posted May 20, 2020 by X-Rite Color

With today’s complex cross-media campaigns, accurate profiling is even more important for managing customer expectations across the color supply chain. Our i1Pro 2 solutions help photographers, videographers, prepress and digital printers create profiles for the best color on monitors, scanners, projectors, printers, and online web-to-print submission tools. But with so many to choose from, how do you know which is the right tool for your color workflow? Whether you’re looking to add a new comp...

Posted April 11, 2017 by Ray Cheydleur

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