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EZcolor 32 and 64 bit-Windows 7 and Vista Compatible

Download: EZcolor (32 & 64 bit-Windows 7 & Vista Compatible)

Version: v2.6.5

Previous Version: none

Release Date: 4/30/2007

File Type: PC - Self-extracting ZIP file with Installer

Download: PC Version

Notes: EZcolor has truly established itself as a benchmark color management solution, and as registered user you expect the product grow with you. The following free update (v2.6.5) provides support for Vista, Microsoft's recently launched operating system. It also allows you take advantage of an expanded set of monitor calibration devices such as Eye-One Display 2, a product formally offered by GretagMacbeth (Now part of X-Rite).

Please note that the MonacoOPTIX and MonacoOPTIX XR instruments are not supported on Windows Vista or Windows 7.

You must own a copy of MonacoEZcolor v2.50 or higher to take advantage of this free upgrade.

You will need a copy of your software serial number to complete the upgrade.  The serial number may be found on the original jewel case or packaging that came with the product or may be found on the "About" screen in the running application.

PC Install -

  • Close MonacoEZcolor and all other applications.

  • Download the self-extracting ZIP file to your desktop. 

  • Double-click to begin the extraction process.  By default, extractor will place files in a new, temporary folder on your C: drive.  Default folder is "C:\EZ265\".  A readme file will launch on conclusion of the extraction process.
    :  The installer must uninstall any prior versions of MonacoEZcolor. 
            This is normal behavior. Your icc profiles and other personal data will not be affected.

  • Launch Windows Explorer and navigate to "C:\EZ265\Installer\".

  • Double-click on "Setup.exe". If your file extensions are hidden, just look for "Setup".

  • On the first pass the installer will remove your prior version of EZcolor.

  • Double-click on "Setup.exe" a second time.  On this pass the new software will be installed onto your hard drive.

  • You will need to enter your name, company, and serial number during the install process.

  • Please keep a record of these data.  You will need them for future upgrades.

  • Following the installation, you may delete both the downloaded ZIP file and the temporary folder.

Mac Install -

  • Mac users should install version v2.6.6 (informal testing of Macintosh's new Leopard operating system, v10.5.1, have shown no issues regarding the creation and use of EZcolor profiles).

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