Data Corruption error in i1Diagnostics when using i1iSis or i1 iSisXL
You might encounter a FAIL result in i1Diagnostics due to several possible causes.
There is an issue with an older .dll file or framework file in the i1Diagnostic program that is causing various issues which can include failing i1Diagnostics due to "Paper Detection Error", corrupted data messages, or not allowing the device to connect to either i1Diagnostics or a third party software including RIP programs.
On a PC:
**Disconnect the i1iSis from your machine before going through the instructions below.
If you currently have i1Diagnostics installed on the PC uninstall it using the Add/Remove Program in your control panel - Reboot the system completely.
Install a fresh copy of i1Diagnostics 2.5.1 by navigating to the X-Rite Website at the following link:
Restart the PC - this will ensure that the new .dll file loads successfully.
Navigate to C:\Program Files\X-Rite\i1Diagnostics (64-bit Windows will be: C:\Program Files (x86)\X-Rite\i1Diagnostics) and copy the file named: "EyeOne_iSis.dll".
Navigate to the program folder for the program that you are connecting to. For example, with X-Rite ColorPort 1.5.4; the default location will be: C:\Program Files\X-Rite\ColorPort\ColorPort 1.5.4
Paste the "EyeOne_iSis.dll" into the selected folder and replace the existing file.
Restart the PC, connect the iSis, and power it on to load the driver.
On a Mac:
**Disconnect the i1iSis from your machine before going through the instructions below.
If you currently have i1Diagnostics installed on the Mac uninstall it by dragging it over to your Trash and empty the Trash folder - Reboot the system completely.
Install a fresh copy of i1Diagnostics 2.5.1 by navigating to the X-Rite Website at the following link:
Restart the Mac - this will ensure that the new framework file loads successfully.
Control-click on the i1Diagnostics program icon in the Applications folder. Select "Show Package Contents".
Double-click "Contents" and then "Frameworks".
Control-click the "EyeOne_iSis.framework" folder and then select "Copy EyeOne_iSis.framework".
Paste the copied "EyeOne_iSis.framework" folder to the desired application's "Frameworks" folder and replace the existing folder. For ColorPort 1.5.4, control-click the program icon > "Show Package Contents" > "Contents" > "Frameworks".
Restart the computer, connect the iSis, power it up, and test.
If connecting an iSis or iSisXL to another software (i.e., X-Rite ColorPort, GMG, CGS, ColorBurst), you will need to download and install the new version of i1Diagnostics 2.5.1 with the instructions above. After installing i1Diagnostics, you will need to follow the instructions below to properly connect to your software.
Communication errors with Rev. E iSis and iSisXL instruments with software (i.e., X-Rite ColorPort, GMG, CGS, ColorBurst) as well as paper detection errors can be attributed to the use of outdated DLL files (PC) or Frameworks (Mac).
The new DLL file and/or framework folder will need to be copied to the proper folder for each software that the iSis instrument will connect to. If they are connecting to GMG, they will need to copy the DLL or framework to the folder that GMG uses to store those files (typically the program or application folder).
Rev.E iSis instruments will have a serial number greater than 3300.