Les marques ne prévoient pas forcément de budget pour la couleur, mais celle-ci peut avoir un impact sur leurs résultats de différentes manières. Comprendre le coût réel de la couleur peut permettre d’accélérer la mise sur le marché, de réduire le gaspillage et d’économiser des milliers de dollars. La couleur joue un rôle déterminant dans les décisions d’achat si l’on co...

Posted November 12, 2024 by Cindy Cooperman

Publié initialement le 3 mai 2024 sur le site https://canmaker.com/light-touch/ Les acteurs du secteur se sont réunis pour étudier les standards d’encre et d’épreuvage pour les canettes de boisson en deux parties. Nisa Ali, depuis Manchester Les principales entreprises de la chaîne d’approvisionnement du secteur de la fabrication de canettes envisagent des orientations générales pour les couleurs PantoneLIVE dans la production d...

Posted October 29, 2024 by X-Rite Color

Les marques consacrent beaucoup de temps et de ressources à la sélection d’une nouvelle couleur pour représenter leurs produits. Si la couleur ne correspond pas à leurs attentes après l’impression, les tirages sont gâchés et tout le monde se demande comment la couleur a bien pu dévier. Voici un scénario classique. Une marque choisit une couleur de saison pour l’emballage de ses produits et communique cette couleur a...

Posted September 13, 2024 by X-Rite Color

Originally published May 3, 2024 from https://canmaker.com/light-touch/ Industry stakeholders came together to explore ink and proofing standards for two-piece beverage cans. Nisa Ali reports from Manchester Leading companies across canmaking industry supply chains are considering general guidance for PantoneLIVE colours in the production of two-piece beverage cans. Following a series of seminars discussing the role of PantoneLIVE colour libraries in the design, proofing and printing process ...

Posted August 26, 2024 by X-Rite Color

If ensuring color consistency is part of your job description, you’ll want to learn more about PantoneLIVE. Our customers report that it helps them get products to market an average of four times faster! PantoneLIVE is an end-to-end, digital color communication ecosystem that helps everyone involved in a packaging workflow visualize and communicate color. It shows which colors are achievable, and which are not, across everything from flexible packaging to corrugated board. And, since the digital...

Posted March 15, 2023 by X-Rite Color

When all of final production packaging comes together on the store shelf, it’s a brand’s moment of truth. Do the stand-up pouches, overwraps, and corrugated POP displays match? How close is the color to its standard? We know you spend so much time and money designing, proofing, sampling, printing, and shipping… so where does the color go wrong? Is it an issue with accuracy, consistency, or both? Package designs come together on the shelf. Here you see pouches, labels, cartons, and corrugated wit...

Posted March 15, 2023 by Cindy Cooperman

Comment gérer plus de 2 000 couleurs de marque dans une chaîne d’approvisionnement mondiale complexe ? Les choses se compliquent ! Bien qu’il puisse sembler plus facile de créer une nouvelle couleur plutôt que de fouiller dans des bases de données ou des classeurs de drawdowns pour trouver la correspondance la plus proche, le problème survient plus tard, lorsque vous êtes confronté à une immense bibliothèque, impossi...

Posted March 15, 2023 by Cindy Cooperman

L&E International, Ltd est un fournisseur international de solutions d’emballages durables et innovantes. En tant que fournisseur d’emballages certifié pour Adidas, Verizon, Amazon (fournisseur APASS en Asie), Target et de nombreuses autres marques et enseignes, L&E applique et respecte les standards stricts des couleurs de marque dans plusieurs pays et sites de fabrication. L’année dernière, L&E a choisi les solutions de flux de production c...

Posted June 06, 2022 by X-Rite Color

As the range of substrates, inks, and printing technologies has expanded, so has the challenge of maintaining color quality for brands and printers. A workflow based on digital standards is the easiest way to achieve accuracy and consistency across shifts and sites, regardless of production requirements. Adding a quality control solution like ColorCert® to your workflow can boost your bottom line even more. What is ColorCert? ColorCert is a modular, job-based solution that streamlines color ...

Posted April 26, 2022 by X-Rite Color

Impression à gamut élargi Une variation accrue des produits et les exigences de la fabrication « lean » contraignent les transformateurs à travailler plus rapidement et de façon plus économique. La mise en œuvre de l’impression à gamut élargi, également baptisée impression à palette de couleur fixe, constitue une excellente façon pour les designers et donneurs d’ordre de ré...

Posted October 16, 2021 by Mark Gundlach

The Pantone Color of the Year announcement is always exciting. Not only does it set the stage for upcoming trends, it also provides brand owners and designers critical guidance for marketing and product development. However, those who are charged with manufacturing products and packaging with trending colors (like 2021's Ultimate Gray and Illuminating) know it doesn’t “just happen.” It takes time and effort to incorporate new colors. Whether you work in paints, plasti...

Posted December 14, 2020 by X-Rite Color

The Pantone Color Institute just announced PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating as the Pantone Color of the Year 2021. According to the Pantone Color Institute, PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating, a marriage of color conveying a message of strength and hopefulness that is both enduring and uplifting. Illuminating is a bright and cheerful yellow sparkling with vivacity, a warming yellow shade imbued with solar power. Ultimate Gray is emblematic of...

Posted December 14, 2020 by X-Rite Color

As the industrial plastics market grows increasingly competitive and demands more sustainable practices, manufacturers need new ways to formulate and produce accurate color faster, with less waste. Digital color standards are one of the most effective tools to bridge this gap. They also enable color work and communication from remote locations.   With digital color standards, brands and designers can set clear expectations with supply chains. In turn, suppliers can achieve color goals wit...

Posted July 31, 2020 by Tim Mouw

Dans un marché très concurrentiel, les marques et les concepteurs d’emballages cherchent le moyen de différencier leurs produits dans les rayons. Cela dépasse de plus en plus souvent la couleur pour inclure des options d’ennoblissement telles que les films, les vernis spéciaux, les finitions douces, etc. Les concepteurs utilisent également des couleurs unies plus intenses, ainsi que des teintes fluorescentes et irisées, et pas seulemen...

Posted June 04, 2020 by Ray Cheydleur

No matter the industry, our customers are all working toward the same goal: Achieve accurate color and keep production moving. Even in the best conditions, color data can be a challenge to capture and share. COVID-19-related travel bans and social distancing guidelines are making it harder than ever.    Today we’ll share three easy ways to remotely share color data so you can achieve your color goals without shipping physical samples or making onsite visits. The Benefits of Digit...

Posted April 30, 2020 by Tim Mouw

Over the last few years, we have heard a lot about the circular economy and omnichannel marketing. While each is a trend in their own right, they are quickly converging on the print industry. To be successful in 2020, commercial printers will need to offer a wide range of print capabilities while demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and reducing waste.   The Importance of Circular Economy and Omnichannel In a circular economy, the goal is to eliminate waste and maximize the con...

Posted December 19, 2019 by Ray Cheydleur

The Pantone Color Institute just announced PANTONE® 18-3838 Ultra Violet as the Pantone Color of the Year 2018! This news is always exciting because it sets the stage for upcoming trends for everything from housewares to fashion to packaging design. In fact, we have already seen shades of Color of the Year used in packaging and graphic design by forward-looking brands in the CPG, luxury, and beauty worlds as well as by personalities and artists seeking to stand out. Part of butt...

Posted December 11, 2017 by Mark Gundlach

You think you’re doing everything right, but your color isn’t consistent. Why? Through the years, designers have used many tools to help them specify color. Color swatches, style guides and product prototypes have been effective, but with the advent of the digital world, these physical tools are no longer enough. To be efficient, designers need to be SPECIFIC. X-Rite Pantone President Ron Voigt recently published an article in MediaPost that explains why. To be effective, designers n...

Posted November 17, 2017 by Cindy Cooperman

I spent a few years working in Paris, where the Seine River has played a pivotal role in the shaping of the city’s personality. As I stayed longer and got to know the city and its people better, one of the things that became clear to me was that the Seine River physically separated two distinct cultures of the city. Image courtesy of www.aparisguide.com The left bank, including the Latin Quarter, Montparnasse, and Sorbonne, is all about creativity, design and ideation. The right bank is more sop...

Posted August 01, 2017 by X-Rite Color

If you’re a commercial printer who wants to improve color quality and consistency and stay current on industry trends, you need to be aware of Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 can mean different things to different people, but it generally refers to the fourth industrial revolution, which incorporates trends in automation, data exchange, smart systems, and the Internet of Things. Image courtesy of Christoph Roser at AllAboutLean.com. Today I’ll explain what Industry 4.0 means for co...

Posted January 24, 2017 by Ray Cheydleur
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