BestMatch and manaul L*a*b* values

BestMatch doesn't work as expected after I create color libraries or templates with standards with manually keyed in L*a*b* values.

The BestMatch function requires a standard to be created based on reflectance data. The calculation formula from BestMatch is comparing the reflectance curve from the measured sample to the reflectance curve from the standard. The eXact Manager utility does not have the ability to synthesize reflectance curve data based on L*a*b* entry in a free utility. However, we do have the capability in iQC Print software. The creation of color standards or references based on manually entering L*a*b* values is ok if all you care to achieve is a DE or Delta Difference.

BestMatch visual explanation:
This function indicates if you can get a closer match (in Delta E) to a standard color by adjusting
the ink thickness (Offset printing) or concentration (Flexographic and Gravure printing) on-press. The illustration below shows the BestMatch function with the aid of the CIELAB color space using an example of two different shades of green.

Color axis: Colorimetric axis to adjust color by ink thickness.

BestMatch point: Best possible color (e.g. green) that can be achieved by adjusting ink thickness or concentration.User-added image


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