La Organización Internacional de Normalización ha definido la ISO 12647 como un conjunto de normas de artes gráficas para impresión. Incluye ocho partes: Parte 1: Parámetros de impresión y métodos de medición Parte 2: Procesos de litografía offset Parte 3: Litografía offset a frío en papel prensa Parte 4: Impresión en huecograbado Parte 5: Serigrafía Parte 6: Impresión flexográfica Parte 7: ...

October 18, 2021

If you work in the print and packaging industry, standards can help you set clear expectations for clients, solve problems in your workflow, and improve productivity. They can also bring an independent perspective to production. Printers aren’t the only ones who should keep up with standards. Brands who are concerned with quality, price, and speed to market can also benefit because it allows them to compare print providers and choose the best candidate. The ISO and other standards organiz...

October 01, 2019

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